polish language stare-na-nowo.pl  



Have you got unnecessary items?
We welcome you to come and sell them with us.



How to sell in our store?

Renting of stand

When you have rented a stand you can put your things on the shelf, from the first day of renting or the evening before. See details on the rental contract. The rent is paid in advance. The price for rent of big stand (100 x 100 x 165 cm) is 59 PLN per week, for small one (50 x 50 x 165) it is 35 PLN per week. Commission (20%) will be charged on the sales. You can also sell bigger items like furniture, bicycles or other big things. This is done in the special area on the floor and the cost is 15 PLN/m2/week, and 20% commission. You can also put pictures for sales and hang it on our gallery wall, and you will pay 10 PLN per painting per week, and 20% commission. When you book a stand you have 14 days to cancel, but latest 1 week before the booked day. Less than 7 days before you will not get refund. If you cancel in time, you need to go to the store, bring your receipt and bank account, and we will transfer the money back to you.

Look full price list

Rules about the stand

Goods may only be placed on the stand. We request that only used things will be sell in store. The following items may not be sold: grocery, food, illegally copied products, alcohol, tobacco, weapons, dangerous materials or pornographic material. We reserve the right to remove inappropriate items from the stands. Products without pricing will be placed on a "Lost & Found" desk in the store, which is emptied every 14 days and afterwards belongs to SNN. Only accepted price tags are those supplied by SNN. Price tags should be filled out with name of the goods and also the price. If you want to change the price of an item you need to take away old price sticker and replace it with a new one. Advertising on the shelf with business cards and leaflets is not allowed, but you can promote you items among social media. There can’t be traded between the customers. Only option for sales I through the cash register. We provide hangers for clothes free of charge. We provide alarm markers that can be used for a small payment (see rental contract). It is possible to make discount on all of you items and you just need to inform the staff and they will provide you with price markers saying 25% off or 50% off. You can change the price yourself for an item by making a new price label and informing the staff. By paying you can prolong the rental period via this page or directly in the store.

Securing items

The store is monitored by cameras and has alarm system at all doors. We provide alarm markers to put on you items. For special valuable items you can rent 1 shelf in the locked glass cabinet. SNN is not responsible for damaged, lost or stolen goods. In case of fire we do not cover but this will normally be covered with you own insurance.

Payment of profits

Profit from sales of your goods is transferred to your account within 21 business days after the end of the rental period. Do you rent for a longer period, then we will transfer the profit to you after each month.

End of the rental period

The rental period is not prolonged automatically. If you want to continue the rental period, you can at any time book via this page or in the store. You need to empty the stand when the rental period stops. Our staff needs to check items to be taken home, so do not remove the price tags. You need to bring the original contract and ID when taken back your items. If you do not empty your stand it will be done by our staff and stored in our storage. We will charge you a fee of 10 PLN for emptying the stand. We will keep your things in our storage for 14 days and then after it will become the property of SNN. Your stand must be emptied the last day of your rental period.

Returns & Rights

All products sold are without right of return. SNN does not guarantee the functionality of electronic and mechanical products. If any claims that a product is a counterfeit product, sales will be reversed and removed from the sellers sales turnover. The seller warrants to have absolute title and the right to dispose / sell goods.


We keep your information strictly confidential. We work with the police in connection with any investigation.

Moving forward

Find your old things, book a stand, put price tags on, get it sold, and then just wait for the money to get on your account. By login into your account you can follow the sales, day by day.

Tips&trics how to sell more

• Make nice order on your stand and do not overfill it.

• To ensure against theft by placing alarms on items.

• Track your sales and fill up the shelf when it is needed.

• Promote your position on Facebook or other social media.


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